As a young black girl, I was always confused by my history. What we were taught in school never seemed to add up in my head. I never knew where the source of the information was coming from or why they were so adamant on teaching us solely dating back to slavery up until civil rights. After doing more research about the slave trade and all of the historical in between I realized a lot of information was excluded from the history books and only told the perspectives of Americans. They educated us on our people’s fight for freedom, our fight for equality, our fight for rights. All we were ever taught was to fight. An abundance of things used or invented in this country were made by black people. If when we were younger they talked about the black inventors, mathematicians, scientists, philosophers, entrepreneurs, etc, the outlook and inspiration in black youth would be higher. We’d know the amount of potential we have and a unit, as well as individuals. We’d know we’re more than just fighters and survivors.

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Instagram: @dorisadephoto